Neck connector spigot damaged?

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#1 2. December 2017 - 22:17
Sandro's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 22.05.2015 - 18:08

Neck connector spigot damaged?


since there was a question about a possible damage to the neck connector spigot, here are two photos for reference.

Neck connector spigot - before shipping (factory photo):

Neck connector spigot - after shipping upon arrival in Berlin:

(btw, the responsible shipping company was TNT)

Even though the above picture looks scary, there was no damage. There is a joint that can be straightened.

However, there is a structural damage if the spigot is loose on the metal base plate, or it is not in a 90° angle relative to the metal base plate.


3. December 2017 - 0:01
Last seen: 7 years 2 months ago
Joined: 25.10.2017 - 15:34

Re: Neck connector spigot damaged?

That's good info to know. A person on TDF also suggested hanging the doll from a wire as a way to straighten the spigot if it's a bit crooked in relation to the silicone parts.